In 2020, the Python foundation declared Python 2 as not maintained anymore.
Python 2 is really old, not maintained and should not be used by anyone in any modern environment, but software is complex and python2 still exists in some modern Linux distributions like Tumbleweed.
The past week the request to delete Python 2 from Tumbleweed was created and is going through the staging process.
The main package keeping Python 2 around for Tumbleweed was Gimp 2, that doesn't depends directly on Python 2, but some of the plugins depends on it. Now that we've Gimp 3 in Tumbleweed, we are able to finally remove it.
Python 2
The first version of Python 2 was released around 2000, so it's now 25 years old. That's not true, because software is a living creature, so as you may know, Python 2 grew during the following years with patch and minor releases until 2020 that was the final release 2.7.18.
But even when it was maintained until 2020, it was deprecated for a long time so everyone "should" have time to migrate to python 3.
I started to write python code around the year 2006. I was bored during a summer internship at my third year of computer science, and I decided to learn something new. In the following months / years I heard a lot about the futurist Python 3000, but I didn't worry too much until it was officially released and the migration started to be a thing.
If you have ever write python2 code you will know about some of the main differences with python3:
- print vs print()
- raw_input() vs input()
- unicode() vs str
- ...
Some tools appeared to make it easier to migrate from python2 to
python3, and even it was possible to have code compatible with both
versions at the same time using the __future__
You should have heard about the six package, 2 * 3 = 6. Maybe the name should be five instead of six, because it was a Python "2 and 3" compatibility library.
Python in Linux command line
When python3 started to be the main python, there were some discussion about how to handle that in different Linux distributions. The /usr/bin/python binary was present and everyone expect that to be python2, so almost everyone decided to keep that relation forever and distribute python3 as /usr/bin/python3, so you can have both installed without conflicts and there's no confusion.
But python is an interpreted language, and if you have python code,
you can't tell if it's python2 or python3. The shebang line in the
executable python scripts should point to the correct interpreter and
that should be enough like #!/usr/bin/python3
will use the python3
interpreter and #!/usr/bin/python
will use python2.
But this is not always true, some distributions uses python3 in
like Archlinux or if you create a virtualenv with
python3, the python
binary points to the python3 interpreter, so a
shebang like #!/usr/bin/python
could be something valid for a
python3 script.
In any case, the recommended and safest way is to always use python3
binary because that way it'll work correctly "everywhere".
It's time to say goodbye to python2
, at least we can remove it now
from Tumbleweed. It'll be around for some more time in Leap, but it's
the time to let it go.
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