1. End of GNOME Outreachy 2019

    The Outreachy Program

    The outreachy program ended the past week and we've done great improvements during this four months of work. I'm very happy with the result and with the work of the two interns and also the GNOME co-mentors that make this possible.

    If we're lucky the interns will …

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  2. GNOME Outreachy 2019

    The Outreachy Program

    The Outreachy program provides internship to work in Free and Open Source Software. This year I've proposed two projects as part of the GNOME project and we've two interns working for three months, so we'll have a lot of improvements in the following months!

    I'll be mentoring …

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  3. LAS 2019, Barcelona

    The event

    The Linux App Summit (LAS) is a great event that bring together a lot of linux application developers, from the bigger communities, it's organized by GNOME and KDE in collaboration and it's a good place to talk about the Linux desktop, application distribution and development.

    This year the …

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